It is located at the confluence of the valleys formed by the Miño, Avia, Arnoia and Barbantiño rivers.

The vineyard extends from 75 to 400 meters in valleys and slopes sometimes steep slope that is saved by terraces called socalcos or bocaribeiras that follow the contours.

Winery owned vineyards in southern Galicia in THE confluence of the valleys formed by the rivers Miño, Avia, Arnoia and Barbantiño. Ourense.

Denominación de origen Ribeiro

HGA Bodegas office
Avda. Peinador, 51
36416 Mos
Phone: 986 442 602


42° 19’ north and 8° 09’ West. The sometimes steep gradients are overcome by terraces denominated “so calcos” or “bocaribeiros” which follow the contours of the gradients.


Humid with mild temperatures, scarce rainfall and with Mediterranean tendencies (950 mm average). Over 1900 hours of sunshine per year, reaching a maximum in the summer months (July and August).


Basically of granitic origin with depths that vary between 70 and 100 cm.

Rippa Avie

D.O. Ribeiro

Castelo dos Condes

D.O. Ribeiro

Botella de vino Ribeiro La Imprenta

La Imprenta

D.O. Ribeiro